
The IT Department

IT that's not boring? Believe it when ya see it...

My long-term client, The Virtual IT Department, came to me a couple of years ago to write copy for their re-brand.

They had a slick new website and just needed copy that would convey the benefits of a virtual IT team to non-techie people without boring them to tears. Mission accepted. One of the new taglines even made it onto the company's kitchenware.

A solution-free, innovation-free 'about' page

Potentially the two most overused buzzwords across digital industries, 'solutions' and 'innovations' didn't belong on this page.

We kept things human and problem-centric. When it comes to IT, businesses are most stressed about confusing technology, cyber attacks and being overwhelmed by support requests. Enter the Virtual IT Department.

Be proud of your humble beginnings

People love a rags-to-riches story. Don't be afraid to tell the real story of your brand. Where did it all start? Why? Use the names of real people and talk about their big ambitions that got you where you are today.

Let's get real

I put myself into the shoes of the brand's target customer. I imagined them skipping through complicated YouTube tutorials to try and solve a tech disaster. Even worse - I imaged their own business losing money because of it. So that's what we opened with - a world where these things didn't exist. Bliss.

Relatable scenarios that get a giggle

Just saying "you need better cyber security" doesn't create a single emotional connection.

A light-hearted jab at the user's weak cyber security practices does.

I exaggerated what a poor password looks like and made it clear that basic anti-virus software is no match for modern-day threats. This is serious stuff and we needed visitors to take noitice.

Making a talk about IT sound fun. Well, a little bit.

Conversations about IT will hardly make you the most popular person at a party. The IT Department knows that, and I wanted to show they can have a laugh at their own expense.

This takes away some of the heaviness that might be associated with a chat about technology (especially when the whole thing makes your brain go to mush). Basically, we want to make the journey to conversion as seamless as possible.

Keeping things consistent

When I first got on a call to talk about creating the new website copy, I asked the client about their own personality, which would help us give the business a human feel that people can connect to.

They told me they love coffee. And, being based in Melbourne, it was pretty much a given that their audience would love coffee too. So a few references to coffee kept that thread throughout, making the brand come across as personable, friendly and relatable.

Some taglines that run through the website include "Keep your business business-ing" and "Keeping IT simple".

Copy on coffee mugs...I've made it

I came up with this tagline because I wanted to focus on a benefit that other IT companies weren't. What a virtual IT team can offer, compared to one that sits in your office.

Here's what that looked like:

We’re an IT company in Melbourne with our very own office. That means we won’t drink your coffee, steal your lunch or take the good desk by the window.

The team loved it so much, they wrote it on their ACTUAL coffee cups.

Get in touch for a brand voice that feels like "you"

Humanising brands is what I do best. Give me a shout if yours feels like it's missing some real personality, and see how that builds deeper connections with your ideal customer.

Me, me, me
Services 4 u
Wall of fame
Pass notes

Meet me at The Copy House

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